A Comprehensive Online Video Course of Pediatrician-Designed, Mama-Approved Natural Remedies to Boost Your Child’s Immune System and Manage the Most Common Acute Childhood Conditions
End the worry when your child is sick and you don’t know what to do …
We’ve All Been There!
It’s the middle of the night. Your child has a fever or is throwing up and you just want to know…
- Should I take my child to the ER or can it wait? When should I be worried?
- Should I give my kid Tylenol or Motrin for a fever or should I just wait it out?
- How do I know if my kid really needs antibiotics?
- Isn’t there anything natural I can do to help my child feel better AND recover faster?
You need a fast and easy way to get trusted information to help your sick kid!
- Feel confident treating common conditions with pediatrician-designed, mama-approved safe and effective remedies — any time of day, anywhere you are!
- Know when it’s serious enough to go to the ER or see the doctor.
- Learn how to strengthen your kid’s immune systems to prevent illness in the first place.
- Know when antibiotics are really needed.
- Avoid unnecessary medications or reduce side effects when they’re necessary.
Timing Is Everything
When your kid is sick, you don’t have time to spend hours researching what to do and which information to trust.
And you definitely don’t have time for trial and error, unnecessary trips to the ER or the doctor’s office (where you and your kid are exposed to more germs!), taking time off work, or spending the whole winter caring for your child — cold after cold after cold.
I know you’re busy and probably reading this while you’re already doing 5 other things. That’s why I’ve designed this course so it’s not just one more thing on your “to-do” list.
Get the answers you need so your family can get back to the fun things in life!
Get A Practical, Professional Opinion About Antibiotics
Antibiotics are sometimes a lifesaver (literally), but each year more studies show the adverse effects of destroying your child’s microbiome with antibiotics, leading to gut imbalance with serious consequences like:
- Leaky Gut — caused by damaged intestinal walls and leading to attention and behavior problems, eczema, asthma, chronic diarrhea or constipation, reflux, frequent infections, and autoimmune issues that require more antibiotics and worsen leaky gut in a vicious cycle!
- Anxiety and Depression — leading to more medication that could be avoided.
- Obesity and Prediabetes — unhealthy now and setting the stage for an unhealthy future for your child.
- Superbugs — drug-resistant strains of bacteria that we have no defense against.
Learn when to use antibiotics and when to say, “No thanks!”
Learn Why Natural Remedies Are Your First Line Of Defense
Homeopathy, herbs, acupressure, essential oils, and natural supplements are safe and effective for your child when used correctly — with fewer side effects than antibiotics and other conventional medicines.
Scientific studies prove that natural remedies can be just as, or even more, effective as conventional treatments, including antibiotics, when used in the right way:
- A study in the British Homeopathic Journal showed homeopathy to significantly reduce and even resolve flu-like symptoms within 48 hours compared with the placebo group.
- In one study, an herbal ear drop containing extracts of garlic, calendula, St John’s wort and mullein flower – herbs which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties – was found to be as effective in reducing ear pain compared with an anesthetic ear drop.
- Another study found that the same herbal ear drop along with lavender and Vitamin E was more effective in reducing ear pain than when those same ear drops were given with amoxicillin.
- And many more…
Natural remedies not only help resolve your child’s illness faster but strengthen your child’s immune system so they can recover quickly AND get sick less often.
So, how do you learn how to use these incredible holistic pediatric remedies?
Let Dr. Elisa Song SHOW YOU HOW!
Board-certified holistic pediatrician and Mama to 2 crazy fun kids!
Welcome to Everyday Holistic Pediatrics!
A unique online course brought to you by a trusted pediatrician to help you confidently care for your sick child.
Learn from a board-certified holistic pediatrician with decades of clinical experience who can guide you to use natural, evidence-based remedies whenever possible…
And help you know when’s the right time to head to the doctor or use antibiotics, and what you can do to protect your child’s gut and immune system naturally.
Get peace of mind that you are doing everything you can to help your child thrive naturally –
body, mind & spirit!
What You Get
- 12+ information-packed, practical, and easy-to-follow modules in video and audio formats.
- Downloadable PDF files of PowerPoint slides from each module.
- Downloadable PDF handouts for a quick, easy reference when you just want to cut to the chase!
- Online access so you’ll always know what to do when your child is sick, even if you’re on the road!
- FREE membership to the private Everyday Holistic Pediatrics Facebook Group where you’ll connect and learn from like-minded parents who are dedicated to helping their children thrive naturally!
- BONUS – 8 of the most popular expert interviews from the Thriving Child Summit 2016 and the Thriving Child Summit 2017.
- BONUS – 2018 Masterclass Replay: “How to Get Your Child Through the Flu Season … Naturally!”
Quick, practical, and easy-to-implement modules that you can watch in 10-15 minutes or less.
Go through the course all at once, or jump right to the section you need when your kid is sick and know exactly what to do within minutes!
The Curriculum
Core Modules

Module 1 –
Your Natural Medicines Toolkit
- Homeopathy
- Herbal Medicine
- Essential Oils
- Acupressure
- Diet & Supplements

Module 2 –
Boosting Your Child’s Immune System
- Lifestyle Modifications
- Immune Boosting Supplements
- Acupressure & Essential Oils
- Healing Foods
- Healing Drinks
- Bone Broth

Module 3 –
General Principles When Your Child is Sick

Module 4 –
When to Call the Doctor

Module 5 –
Antibiotics & Your Child
- Does Your Child Need Antibiotics?
- Protecting the Gut after Antibiotics
Condition-Specific Modules
Each condition-specific module contains the following lessons:
- An Overview of that condition with general principles
- When to call the doctor
- Homeopathic medicines for that condition
- Herbal medicines & supplements for that condition
- Acupressure and essential oils for that condition
- PDF Handout: Putting It All Together (if you just want to cut to the chase!)

Module 6 –

Module 7 –

Module 8 –

Module 9 –

Module 10 –
Stomach Flu (Vomiting/Diarrhea)

Module 11 –
Sore Throat

Module 12 –

The top interviews from the Thriving Child Summit 2016 & 2017 and Dr. Song’s 2018 Flu Masterclass
- Elisa Song, MD– (2018) Masterclass Replay: “How to Get Your Child Through the Flu Season … Naturally!”
- Elisa Song, MD – (2017) “Healthy Gut, Thriving Child – What Parents Need to Know About Leaky Gut and Their Child”
- Paul Thomas, MD – (2017) “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Science You Should Know When Making Your Decisions to Vaccinate or Not”
- Katie Wells (“Wellness Mama”) – (2017) “Dirt, Sushine and Light – Easy but Unconventional Ways to Boost Your Child’s Health”
- Dawn Huebner, PhD – (2017) “The Surest Way to Break Free From Anxiety (Kids Can Do It, Too!)”
- Erika Gray, PharmD – (2017) “Use Your Child’s Genes to Create a Blueprint for a Healthier Life”
- Libby Darnell, DC – (2017) “Protecting Our Children from EMFs to Help Them Thrive”
- Mariza Snyder, DC – (2016) “A Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils for their Children and Family”
- Julie Lythcott-Haims, JD – (2016) “How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap & Prepare Your Kid for Success”
Home Remedy KitHave my pediatrician-approved remedies on hand – when you need them most! |
Don’t wait until the middle of the night when your kid is sick to think about what could help them! With my Home Remedy Kit, you’ll have the most commonly used home remedies from Everyday Holistic Pediatrics at your fingertips to use when your kid is sick and you need them most!
- Have the right natural remedy on hand when your kid is sick and you need it most!
- Have access to some natural remedies that are not easily available at other stores, including Whole Foods and Amazon.
- Get my researched, approved and recommended supplements so you know you are giving your kids the best quality supplements that work!
- Get a huge discount TODAY

- Retail Price: $287
- SAVE $67 when you purchase the Everyday Holistic Pediatrics course and the Home Remedy Kit together!
- FREE shipping in the US. Additional shipping may apply outside the US, we will contact you after purchase if needed.
- Sales tax additional for California residents.
- Return Policy
- Windbreaker 1oz
- Gaia Bronchial Wellness
- Imu-max
- VClear EPs 7630
- Liquid Vitamin D3
- Mullein Garlic Ear Oil
- Xlear Nasal Spray
- Homeopathic Remedies:
- Oscillococcinum 6-Dose
- Children’s Coldcalm
- Aconitum Napellus 9C
- Allium Cepa 9C
- Antimonium Tartaricum 9C
- Arsenicum Album 9C
- Belladonna 9C
- Ferrum Phosphoricum 9C
- Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 30C
- Kalium Bichromicum 9C
- Nux Vomica 9C
- Pulsatilla Pratensis 9C
- Spongia Tosta 9C
What Mamas and Papas are Saying
Want a go-to resource chock-full of practical tools for caring for your kids in safe, natural, and effective ways? I’d highly recommend this video course by one of the brightest in the field – Dr. Song is crazy smart, yet she’s able to break things down in ways regular moms and dads can understand!
– B.B., mama, nutritionist
o Anyone else’s anxiety heighten when their kid starts to sneeze? Yup, that’s me. lol we’ve been outside a lot these last few days now that spring has sprung in Michigan and maybe it’s allergies but I x-cleared his nose and gave him some Oscillococcinum and will dig back into the modules, but I’m so thankful for this course and community … because I do – even with my anxiety – feel more confident, knowledgeable, and less alone, if that makes sense. Thank you!
– L.L., mama
Thank you so much for all these wonderful, educational tools!! My mommy belt of natural, healthy resources keeps growing! I LOVE the free guides, too! Simple lists to help a mom think…when they can’t think b/c their child is sick. 🙂
– K.M., mama
I just finished the modules. Thank you Dr. Song for sharing all this information. It is so invaluable for our children’s overall health and empowers parents so they don’t feel helpless when their kids are sick. Even as a practitioner I always learn from you 🙂
– P.S., mama and acupuncturist
Thank you so very much for the resources provided. I am a first time mom and have been pretty good about following my instincts when it comes to my health and now my 6 month old’s health. I am SO happy that I came across Dr. Song’s website because instinct can only take you so far lol. With the help of the e-courses and this group, my son was able to overcome his fever within a day and his cough is almost gone. It feels SO good to have the tools and resources in my mommy toolbox to help my son naturally. Thanks again!!
– A.A., mama
I’m just starting the condition specific modules. The “Putting it All Together” handouts are incredibly helpful!! Great little cheat sheets so you don’t have to take notes or sift back through the various videos to find the recommended remedies. Thank you Dr. Elisa Song for including them!!
– A.B., mama
I’m so glad I got this course, there is a lot of material covered! This will be my go to resource for my family’s health needs. I love that you specifically cover the common things like cold/flu, fever, cough, etc and have an entire module dedicated to boosting your child’s immune system.
– K.K., mama
I am watching the course right now. The material is perfect. Just the right amount of details. I love that you provide all the brands you love.
– J.W., pediatrician
This has been so helpful, I consider myself pretty well read on pediatric holistic remedies, and yet I learned so much I didn’t already know. And I’m excited to have a resource that is from a credible source that I can share in bits and pieces with my husband, it can be difficult to apply these principles when parents all around you are relying solely on conventional remedies…having a pediatrician give these recommendations helps us go against the grain and do things a little differently from most of our friends and family.
– K.T., mama

14-Day Risk-Free Trial
I know this program will transform the way you manage your child’s illnesses, help get them better faster and avoid unnecessary antibiotics, while strengthening their immune system. You’ll get:
- 5 Core modules on Natural Medicines, Boosting Your Child’s Immune System, General Principles When Your Child is Sick, When to Call the Doctor, and What to Do If your Child Needs Antibiotics
- 5 Condition-specific modules on how to use natural medicines to manage your child’s Fever, Cold/Flu, Cough, Earache, and Vomiting/Diarrhea
- Downloadable handouts summarizing each module so you have everything you need to do when your kids are sick at your fingertips
- Access to our private Facebook group to get even more support using natural remedies for your child
If you’re not completely satisfied, then let us know within 14 days and we’ll give your money back. All you need to do is send us a note at hello@healthykidshappykids.com letting us know you’d like a refund and why the course didn’t work for you.

Hi, I’m Dr. Elisa Song.
For 20 years, I’ve been a board-certified holistic pediatrician and expert in pediatric functional medicine, clinical homeopathy, pediatric Traditional Chinese medicine, and essential oils for kids.
I’m a mama just like you, so I understand what it’s like when your child is sick. You just want a QUICK and EASY way to know what to do, and to trust that you’re doing the right thing.
I’m here to give you PEACE OF MIND so you don’t have to worry about your kids when they’re sick. I’ll teach you everything that I recommend in my holistic pediatric practice AND that I use for my own two kids to keep them healthy all year long!
Everyday Holistic Pediatrics does more than just scratch the surface and give you superficial information that you would find in most online articles or health reference books.
You’ll get practical and effective natural tools to use right away to get and keep your kids healthy this cold & flu season and beyond. It’s like having your very own virtual holistic pediatrician in your back pocket at all times!
I hope you’ll join me on this mission to help children everywhere thrive naturally — body, mind, and spirit!
xo Holistic mama doc – Elisa Song, MD