Get My Free Guide:
What To Do If Your Child Gets a Tick Bite!

Tick season is upon us.
DON’T PANIC! Download my quick and easy cheat-sheet on everything you need to know to prevent tick bites, and what you should do after a tick bite to prevent Lyme disease and other infections.
Please take the time to read my entire blog post on What To Do If Your Child Gets a Tick Bite and use this cheat-sheet as a reminder of all the steps you need to take to ensure that your whole family enjoys a healthy, happy summer in the great outdoors!
xo Holistic mama doc – Elisa Song. MD
Knowledge is power. I hope you’ll enjoy my blog posts where I share my holistic pediatric advice and adventures! And be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram (@healthykids_happykids) for more daily tips and inspiration!
In health and happiness,
Elisa Song, MD