
Look at the shiner on my poor girl! Little brother, hockey stick, horsin’ around – you get the picture.

This is exactly when you wanna pull out your homeopathic medicines toolkit and get out that Arnica.

Homeopathic arnica is THE go-to medicine for bumps, bruises, head bonks, sprain, muscle strains – pretty much any musculoskeletal injury!

Arnica cream or ointment applied topically to bruises helps the bruise to reabsorb and resolve faster.

Arnica pellets taken orally help to stabilize blood vessels and prevent further bleeding, reabsorb the blood faster, and reduce the pain and sore, achy, bruised feeling associated with musculoskeletal trauma, overuse (think Little League elbow), and even jetlag!

Arnica is a must for every mama’s diaper bag or purse. I never go anywhere without it!

  1. On the day my little rolled off the couch and fractured his collar bone, I realize I am out. I don’t even have Tea!

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