Whether it’s winter cold and flu season or summer stomach bug season – every parent wants to know the same thing…
What can I do to boost my child’s immune system?
There’s always room to boost our family’s immune system to prepare for if and when whatever next round of illness hits. Here are my favorite tips and tricks to keep my family, and yours!, healthy anytime of year! 🙂
Commonsense measures to strengthen your immune system
There are several commonsense measures to boost your child’s immune system and help prevent the cold/flu, which most of you are likely already doing. But just as a reminder:
- An apple-a-day keeps the doctor away! Eat lots of colorful fruits and vegetables. They are full of antioxidants which will destroy the free radicals that weaken our immune system and are responsible for making us feel sick when we catch a bug. Each color provides different antioxidant power – so be sure to eat a rainbow everyday!
- Wash those hands frequently, especially before eating or touching your face. Do your best to keep those little fingers out of mouths and noses!
- Stay well-hydrated. Stick to water, coconut water, herbal teas, and bone broth. No soda or sugary drinks, please! What’s a good estimate for how much water you need at a minimum? Divide your body weight in half and drink that number in ounces! Do you come close?
- Drink your bone broth! Bone broth has amazing immune-supporting properties. Not only is it delicious, it’s oh-so-nutritious! See Amazing Bone Broth to get started making your own! Instead of throwing them in the compost bin, use your Thanksgiving turkey bones and get simmering!
- Eat fermented foods. The probiotics contained in fermented foods have tremendous immune boosting powers. In fact, the fermented Korean cabbage, kimchi, was found to have significant effects in preventing and fighting the H1N1 influenza virus! Here are other examples of yummy fermented foods to try – sauerkraut, pickles (try “real” pickles without added vinegar like Bubbies), miso (who doesn’t like miso soup? Make it with homemade bone broth for an even more powerful immune punch!), kefir (a delicious yogurt-like drink that can be made with coconut if you are dairy-intolerant), and kombucha (a tangy fermented tea – my personal favorite is GT’s Guava Goddess).
- Avoid simple sugars and processed/junk food. Did you know that your blood shows lab evidence of a lowered immune system within 30 minutes of eating simple sugars (like glucose, refined sugar, and fructose), and causes a 50% reduction in your white blood cells’ abilities to kill germs? White blood cells are our “army” cells that fight off germs. This effect is most noticeable 2 hours after ingestion, but is still present 5 hours later! Maybe that’s why your child always seems to get sick after those birthday parties full of birthday cake, juice and soda. On the other hand, keeping blood sugar levels healthy has been shown to improve immune system activity.
- Get fresh air and moderate daily exercise. Moderate exercise can boost the production of macrophages, the kind of white blood cells that “eat” bacteria and viruses. However, intense exercise can actually temporarily decrease immune function – so don’t overdo it!
- Get adequate sleep. An increase in sleep actually increases the number of your white blood cells. On the other hand, loss of sleep even for a few hours at night, increases inflammation in our body which makes us more susceptible to catching the flu and having more severe symptoms. So make sure your whole family is getting enough zzzz’s. For tips on getting a good night’s sleep, see Eat Yourself to a Good Night’s Sleep and The 3 Things You Need to Know to Get a Good Night’s Sleep.
- Minimize stress. Emotional stress creates physiological stress in our bodies that lowers our immune defenses and makes us more vulnerable to illness. Stress has been shown to lower our white blood cells’ abilities to kill germs, and actually creates more inflammation that may make us feel even sicker. No, it’s not just in your head! For guidance on how to help manage your child’s stress naturally, take a look at Back-to-School, Back to… STRESS!!! for some great tips.
Nutritional supplements to boost your child’s immune system
Apart from these commonsense measures, there are a variety of nutritional supplements that can further boost the immune system and give your child’s body that extra defense to more effectively ward off and fight colds and flus. Some of my favorite include:
- Probiotics –Taking a probiotic-a-day can keep tummy troubles and the flu away! In fact, one study found that “Probiotic use could achieve >54 million fewer days of infection, >2 million averted antibiotic courses, and >4 million avoided missed work days” each year!” Two specific probiotic strains have been found to reduce the frequency and duration of fevers and colds/flus. These 2 strains are found in our Immune Probiotic chewable and Immune Probiotic capsules. The recommended dosage for children and adults is 1 chew or 1 capsule 2x/day. It’s shelf-stable at room temperature, and 1 or 2 bottles should get your whole family through vacation in tip top shape!
- Targeted Supplements (Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin) – Each of these nutrients has amazing immune-boosting power, which is why I put them all together in my Immune Support Synergy powder!
- Omega-3 fish oil – Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil provide essential support for a healthy immune function and a balanced inflammatory response (not too much, not too little), to support complete recovery when you’re sick. Our Omega-3 Synergy has an evidence-based amount of key omega-3 fatty acids and not only that – it’s just about the tastiest fish oil I (and my kids) have ever tried!
To take the guesswork out of it, I’ve handpicked my top 3 supplements above for Immune Resilience and put them in a kit at special savings for you and your kids. Take these supplements daily during the fall/winter seasons and whenever you need added immune support! Here’s what you’ll find in my Immune Resilience Kit: Immune Probiotic, Immune Support Synergy powder, and Omega-3 Synergy. My family and I never leave home without them!
- Oscillococcinum – Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic flu medicine that may help to prevent flu-like illnesses. The typical dosage is one vial of Oscillococcinum once/week for kids and adults during the flu season. I also give my kids one vial of Oscillococcinum before or right after any known “germfest” – i.e., birthday parties, plane travel, etc.
- Xlear nasal spray – One of the MOST preventive things you can do is to irrigate your and your children’s nasal passages with Xlear nasal spray at the end of every day, and after any potential exposure (work, school, playgroups, plane travel, etc.). This is a saline nasal spray with xylitol and grapefruit seed extract, both of which have antimicrobial properties. You cannot overdo it, and will not get “addicted” to it. Other options for nasal irrigation are a regular saline spray, Neti pot, other sinus rinse like Neilmed. **Apart from regular hand washing, I believe that daily and frequent nasal irrigation is one of the MOST important things that we can do to prevent influenza and other infections from taking hold.** This is because after exposure to a virus, the virus tries to invade and multiply in your nasal passages for at least 1-2 days before you develop any symptoms. Nasal irrigation can wash away viral particles before they have the opportunity to take hold, and thereby prevent many infections from happening in the first place!
What if your kids DO get sick?
I got you, too! If you haven’t taken my Crud Cure Masterclass, register now for immediate access to ALL the evidence-based, integrative pediatric tools that I use for my own kids and patients to boost their immune systems and help them feel better, faster when they get sick. You’ll learn how to use all of the above natural remedies and more. Register HERE: Crud Cure Masterclass
So there you have it! All the tools you need to keep you and your family healthy any time of year!
Feel free to share this post with any parent who wants to know the steps they can take to keep their family as healthy as possible all year long. And thank you for allowing me to take this journey with you to optimal health to help your whole family thrive!
Is there a way I can”pin” this article? I would like to save it to my health coaching tips, as I am studying to become a functional medicine health coach. Btw, I loved the Thriving Child Summit!
Hi Alison! I’m so glad you loved the Thriving Child Summit and this article is useful! I have a Pinterest button that is on the top of my browser screen, and when I press that, I can pin the article that I want. But yes, there should be a pin button directly on the article itself so let me ask Peter about that! 😉
Hi Dr Song, I just found the pinterst button at the bottom of the Cold/flu post, but some of the other blog posts do not have the button. I look forward to sharing your articles. Thank you!
Is your vitamin C dosage recommendation for kids or adults? (Metagenics Ultra-Potent C) Is this recommendation for during an active flu or daily? What about vitamin C’s potential ability to chelate copper? I love vitamin C but have been cautious with it after learning about the copper. Just curious your take on that. Thanks!
Hi Jill. This dosage is for kids. With low daily doses, I don’t worry about an impact on copper. And during times of illness when I would ramp up Vitamin C dosage, there’s so much oxidative stress going on that Vitamin C will work first to mop up free radicals during that brief time.
Best, Elisa!
Just to make sure I have it right– 500mg 1 or 2 times per day for everyday use and increase (maybe to 2000mg/day?) during an illness. Thank you!
Do you recommend avoiding flu vaccine and keeping your kids healthy thru all of these wonderful tips!?
Thank you!
Hi Ashley – definitely read by blogpost “Should My Kids Get the Flu Vaccine?”. It will hopefully make your decision easier!
xo Elisa
Thank you for this great article. If your child ends up with the flu how long would you recommend taking the Oscillo. The package say 3x a day but for how many days? Also if there is improvement but still a cough and not full energy would you continue? Thanks
Hi Johanna! Oscillococcinum just needs to be taken 3x/day for one day (3 doses total). You don’t have to continue to take it for the duration of the illness. I add on other symptom-specific homeopathic medicines for things like cough and chills. I’m working on getting that info out to everyone ASAP! 🙂
This was my first exposure to your blog. I consider myself fairly informed about staying healthy but I definitely learned a few things. Love this post! Thank you.
Thank you, Leslie! I hope I continue to post information that you find useful!
🙂 Elisa
Is oscocillocoinum safe to take while breastfeeding? Also, for two year olds?
Oscillococcinum can be taken safely while pregnant, nursing, or at any age. 🙂
Would you recommend all of these to be given daily? With the exception of the Oscillococcinum of course.
I have to be honest and say that I don’t do things daily with my kids, and typically get to supplements a few times a week. That being said, they are super healthy (knock on wood!), and if they were more prone to illness, I might be more vigilant about daily supplements…
Thank you for a great article..
What would your best tips be for babies… I have 11 month old twins.
Thank you:)
Any of these tips should be applicable for babies, as long as a lower dosage is used!
Do you recommend vitamin K2 (MK7)be taken with vitamin D3? The recommendations I have seen on how much vary. We are doing about 50-75mcg of K2 with 1000IU D3 daily. Does that sound about right to you?
I am also curious about this! I am seeing a lot of information about giving k2 with d3, what amount would you recommend for a child?
The dosage totally depends on the child and what’s going on with them. I prefer to do vitamin D testing to know exactly how much a child needs – it can be shocking how deficient or insufficient kids are and how much vitamin d3 they need, even if they’re spending all day long outside during the summer!
What age child can you start giving Oscillococcinum? Also, what age for nasal rinse please?
Oscillo can be given at any age. Same with Xlear! 🙂
How about elderberry syrup ? I used wellness mama’s reciepe . I gave my kids both elderberry syrup in the morning during flu season. Also, they take probiotics daily and I do notice the result .
Elderberry is awesome, and Katie Wellness Mama is awesome. And the power of probiotics never ceases to amaze me!
Is there a dosage recommendation for taking daily as a preventative measure vs treatment (for kids)?
For prevention, elderberry is generally taken once/day as opposed to 3-4x/day for treatment. Best, Elisa
Here in Melbourne, AUS we’re just on the tail end of our dreadful flu season! Not a fan of the flu jab, I’m pleased to say we do a lot of what you suggest and I would have to agree that nasal irrigation has been the gold nugget this year. We persevered as it’s not a nice feeling and now the kids ask for it because they know it’s helped so much.
woohoo! i heard the flu season was a doozy in AUS! But yippee for staying strong and making it through naturally! 🙂
Hi! My little one is 16mo. How much vitamin C would you recommend for her? Also, is the powder form of vitamin C from Metagenics okay to give her? I wasn’t able to find a liquid form.
First of all, I am new to your blog and your wealth of information but I absolutely love it! We have a 2 year old and a 6 month old and we are trying very hard to get away from chemicals, to be weary of vaccines, and trying to be very cautious of what we are putting into our children’s bodies! I thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge!
For Vitamin D3 is it 1000 IU per day?
Is there a multivitamin for children you can recommend that would contain everything you mentioned or do you think it would be better to give individually?
Also, for the nasal spray, can I use it on my 2 year old or is that too young?
Hi Megan – you’re so welcome! So, the maintenance dose of Vitamin D3, once you’re at optimal levels, is typically 1000IU per 25 pounds of body weight. I am always on the hunt for a good multivitamin. At the moment, I think Xymogen’s Active Nutrients multivitamin powder is a good choice. And Xlear can be used at any age!
I used to give my daughter fermented cod liver oil (since she was a year old) during cold and flu season. I always used the Green Pasture brand but I am not sure about its quality any longer. Do you have a trusted brand to recommend for FCLO? or other fish oil that you like?
I don’t use FCLO. We use fish oil by various companies – Nordic Naturals, Designs for Health and Metagenics are my favorites!
I have heard some negative things about Kombucha depending on your gut health status. Can you provide any more information to guide me on deciding if it will help or hurt? Yeast/Sugar/Candida/etc. Is there a clear divide that it can be good for some people vs. others?
There’s not a clear divide, unfortunately. Kombucha can have a lot of sugar which can feed yeast. And for many people with chronic health issues, the histamine in fermented foods can cause problems. So it really does have to be individualized. Each person is their own best experiment. So if you try something, even if it’s supposed to be awesome for you, but you react – listen to your body! 😉
This is a great article w a lot of important information. Do you have a recommendation for a brand or type of Omega 3 for children? I use the Omega gummies but there’s the issue of sugar in gummies. I also read that Cod Liver Oil is the best source of Omega’s for a child. What is your opinion on that? I am interested in attending any of your summits. How can I stay informed of any upcoming summits?
The problem with Omega gummies is that they have so little omega-3 essential fatty acids in them that I view them more as a treat. Nordic Naturals has great easily available fish oil liquids and chewables, which is what I would use over their gummy fish. Cod liver oil has Vitamin A and Vitamin D, so is often better over the winter when added immune support is needed. And absolutely – to stay informed of upcoming summits, all you need to do is make sure you’re signed up for the Healthy Kids Happy Kids newsletter (www.healthykidshappykids.com), which I’m guessing you are since you got this article! 😉
Would all of this apply for infants, as well? I have a 9.5 month old and I am looking for immune support as we head into the winter in the Northeast. Thanks!
yes, absolutely! this information applies to infants, kids, teens, and adults!
Hi. Is the nasal spray also an option for young toddlers? Any adjustments?
Hi Emily! The Xlear saline spray actually also comes in drops that are easy to use for infants. I started using the spray when Kenzi and Bodi turned maybe 1 or 2 – we called it “nose medicine.” 🙂
Great article and I am so happy I found out about you. We do most of these, however, I am wondering if you have a brand of vitamin D you recommend for kids. Thank you!
There are many good brands. We use Orthomolecular Products Vitamin D3 liquid drops.
Do you recommend a brand for vitamin D3?
I’m also interested in a vitamin D brand for kids. Thanks!!
We use the Orthomolecular Products Vitamin D3 liquid drops what are 1000IU of Vitamin D3 per 1 drop. But for Vitamin D3, there are many good brands and I’m not as concerned about brand. Other good brands are Designs for Health, Carlson’s, and Nordic Naturals. Best of luck!
Hi, I was wondering if the dosages for oscillo would be the same for my 18 month old? Also how much fish oil for this age?
yes – the dose for Oscillococcinum is the same at any age – 1 vial 3x over a 24 hour period. The dosage of fish oil varies a ton depending on what is going on with each child – whether they have developmental or neurologic or behavioral or immune concerns, or if just for health maintenance… And now with so many different concentrations of fish oils, it’s best to work with a holistic practitioner to know what dose is most appropriate. Best of luck!
This is a great article. Thank you! But what if I wanted to get a multivitamin for my 6 year old, but she is not ready to swallow big pills. Any suggestions on possibly something I can buy powder form for extra immune boosting?? I alreeady make my own kombucha, and we drink a smoothie everyday full of nutrients. Just wanted to make sure she gets enough vit c, zinc, omega 3s…
Xymogen has a powder Active Nutrients Multivitamin powder that many kids love – tastes like fruit punch. My kids find it a bit sweet, but it’s pretty tasty and one of the better multivitamins out there. Best of luck!
What are you recommended brands for Vitamin D3, Zinc and Garlic Drops for ear aches?
there are many great brands, but the ones I use are Orthomolecular Products Vitamin D3 liquid drops, Pure Encapsulations Liquid Zinc and Herb Pharm’s Garlic ear drops. Best of luck!
Hello – I am wondering if it is safe to use the Xlear Nasal Spray on my 15 month old? Thanks so much for this incredibly helpful article!! Will be sharing!
yes! Xlear also has nasal drops that you can use if your child doesn’t like the spray, although I used the spray for my kids at that age, just didn’t push down all the way!
I love your posts & pass them on to friends! Curious your suggestion for a now almost 6 month old to survive the cold/flu season with a mom who works in the hospital & doesn’t sleep much due to frequent nite feedings & 24 hour work shifts. She obviously doesn’t take pills yet & hasn’t started solids either, she’s exclusively breastfed. Besides handwashing & staying away from sick people, what can we do to boost her immune system! Just mom taking these things I’d assume? We will eventually start solids, but not sure how to give probiotics or vitamins!? Would love your input. Thank you!
Hi Allison – I’m so glad you find the posts useful! I started giving my children probiotics and vitamin d3 since birth. While I can’t give specific dosages or recommendations, I can tell you for my children, I gave them Klaire’s Therbiotic Infant formula 1/4 teaspoon daily, and Vitamin D3 1000IU every other day. Best of luck through the winter!
Hello! Im wondering what age you give Oscillococcinum for an infant, and the minimum age. Also is it a vial per week even if not sick with the flu or when sick the flu? Thank you!!
Hi Sonja – you can give Oscillococcinum at any age – for infants I recommend dissolving the pellets in a little water and giving with a syringe or eye dropper. For TREATMENT at the start of an illness, it’s 1 vial very 6-8 hours for 24 hours (3 doses). For PREVENTION, it’s 1 vial per week. Good luck!
Hi! I love all this info, thank you!
I baught the Vitamin C you recommended but the pills are very large. My son(7yr) is used to swallowing a gel fish oil pill but this one is difficult. How do you get kids to take these?
Thanks again
Hi Nicole! The Ultra Potent C also comes in chewables. But if you got the tablet, i would either cut them in half, or crushing them into apple sauce or other food/drink. BTW – that’s awesome that your son can swallow fish oil pills! 🙂
Good idea! I actually resulted in buying granual Vit C by Source Naturals. Mix with liquid.
Pretty easy!
Thanks for your help and love all your helpful info.
Hi Dr. Song. Thank you so much for all this valuable info. My kids love chicken bone broth but we recently learned chicken bone broth may contain lead. Have you heard this? Hey are two and four so it’s very concerning. Also we have 100% grass feed beef bones but not organic. Will that suffice?
Finally can Oscillococcinum be taken while nursing a two year old AND be given to them at the same time or will that be too much dosing? I’m hoping to give once per week as preventative but wondering what do do f we both get sick. Hopefully this won’t happen!!
Thank so very very very much!!
Hi Melissa! Kaayla Daniel is a nutritionist who has looked extensively into the 2013 Medical Hypothesis citing lead in bone broth and found many flaws in the study. I think that if you’re using grassfed bones, it should be fine. And organic would be even better, but at least get grassfed!
And yes – you can definitely give Oscillo to your 2-year old AND take it while nursing! You can’t overdose on it.
🙂 Elisa
You are the best Dr. Song!! Thank you! Thank you!! Hugs to you and thanks for sharing what you just did for your little little (Bodi) when they were sick on another blog post. Hope he/she is better already! Will the same apply as far as dosing with all those recommendations as well? Meaning can me and my nursing two year old both take all of the remedies you just had Bodi do at the same time without giving my nursing two year old too much?
Thanks again!!! Off to make some bone broth…. 🙂
Is there anything you can recommend that has all this in one?? Lol. Is that too much to ask! We followed this last winter & remained healthy, but it gets pricey with 3 or 4 different pills & powders each day. It’s worth it, I just wasn’t sure if you recommend a vitamin or something more “all in one” thank you for your time!!
Aah – Allison! I wish there were an all-in-one! What a great idea! I’ve been thinking of formulating some of my own combos. Will definitely look into it! xo
Sorry if this is a repetitive question, but don’t think it was answered above… Elisa Song, do you recommend giving Vit D3 with K2?, or D3 alone? I have been giving my 1 year old the Liquid Orthomolecular Vitamin D3, but now see that they also have one with K2. Is that one better? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each? Thanks in advance!
Hi Kristen! Great question! K2 is needed to ensure that calcium gets driven into the bones and doesn’t stay in the arteries – especially important for adults who have a history or family history of atherosclerotic heart disease. For immune boosting and for a one-time big dose for viral illnesses, I use regular Vitamin D3. For routine maintenance, I would use a Vitamin D3/K2. They each have a place. 🙂
Thank you so much for your thorough reply. This is super helpful! And thanks so much for all that you do too. You are amazing. If only there were more doctors out there like you!
Hi Elisa,
What are the dosage for my 6 month old. Can she take all those supplements? She currently takes vitamin d3 & probiotics & im starting cod liver oil soon.
Shes not vaccinated so i really want to keep her immune system as strong as possible
Hi Sandy – I can’t give specific recommendations for your baby, but in general all the supplements I recommend in this article should be fine for a 6 month old. My general rule of thumb for dosing is to take your child’s weight in pounds and divide by 150, and that’s about the percentage of the adult dose that I give. So a 30 pound child might get about 1/5 of the typical adult dosage. Not precise, but often the best we have for pediatric dosing of supplements. Good luck!
Hi Dr. Song! I have read that supplementing with Vitamin d can be dangerous if your levels get too high. Would you recommend only supplementing children during the winter months?
Is there a brand you prefer?
Thank you!
Hi Chelsea – I have rarely found Vitamin D levels to get too high, even when supplementing in the summer months and kids are outdoors all day long in the sun. Most children living in this modern world have such an increased need for immune and anti-inflammatory support. I do measure Vitamin D levels in my patients in order to get there levels optimal, and it’s always surprising to me how low most kids are, even during the summer. I use Orthomolecular Products Vitamin D3/K2 liquid with my patients. Nordic Naturals has Vitamin D3 drops that are also good. xo Elisa
Hi! I have been using Nature’s plus kid zinc for my kiddos, but it contains echinacea which I prefer to use only during illness (which you also confirmed in your article thank you!). I looked for the pure encapsulations zinc liquid mentioned in another comment but could only find on Amazon for $99! This was zinc gluconate. Is this the best form of zinc? Or will other forms (such as zinc sulfate…found a liquid form by trace minerals brand) also be effective? Thank you!
Hi Megan – zinc piccolinate may be most easily absorbed, but other forms can work well. We recommend Pure Encapsulations Zinc liquid and their Zinc 30 capsules. That’s crazy that it’s so expensive on Amazon. I asked Peter and he says we sell the Zinc liquid for under $20 – you can call our office at 650-595-5437 and we’re happy to ship to you! It will be way cheaper than Amazon!
Thank YOU Dr Song for all your tips, and for all you do for children!
I’d like to add the information from Dr Suzanne Humphries about Vit C, specifically liposomal
Vit C. It is marvelous! It really works! Nips a cold or flu in the bud!
Hello! Thank you so much for this article! I am wondering where to find the Metagenics Ultra Flora Childrens Chewable? I was able to find them on Amazon but they were pretty expensive and not sold directly through Metagenics which is a concern to me. I would love to try these for my son. Thank you.
Hi Olivia – Peter and I are working hard to get our online store up and running so everyone can access the supplements I recommend. In the meantime, we’ve been having people call our office 650-595-5437 and our front desk can help you!
How do I get the Practitioners Code to order the Metagenics products. The markup on Amazon is most incredible!
yes, the markup on Amazon is a bit crazy. Our online store is now open with all of the products that I recommend to patients, including many Metagenics products. You can find our store here: https://store.healthykidshappykids.com/. Best wishes!