Vitamin D – the “sunshine” vitamin – is literally my favorite vitamin in the whole wide world (although technically it’s actually a hormone, not a vitamin). And now, the world is finally giving vitamin D the place in the sun it deserves. The UK is giving all
Read more →What’s my secret weapon against the flu??? KIMCHI! And it’s not just because I’m Korean! Researchers found that kimchi, a spicy fermented Korean cabbage, was effective in PREVENTING and KILLING the influenza virus! This is what researchers from the Korea Food Research Institute and the World Institute
Read more →(Updated December 19, 2023) We’ve all been there. You can’t wait for vacation to begin! You’re getting on a plane to visit grandma and the kid’s new baby cousin. But it’s cold and flu season, and the passenger right behind you is sneezing and sniffling the whole ride
Read more →Flu season is right around the corner, and hopefully by now you’ve read my article on the Top Ways to Boost Your Child’s Immune System. But now you’re wondering, what if my kid actually gets the flu? Are there any natural options besides Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, Sudafed,
Read more →UPDATE: This article just released on November 29, 2017 shows that the flu vaccine this year is NOT effective. If predictions are correct, looks like we’re in for a pretty bad flu season, with the most predominant circulating strain being the influenza A (H3N2) strain. And if you
Read more →Whether it’s winter cold and flu season or summer stomach bug season – every parent wants to know the same thing… What can I do to boost my child’s immune system? There’s always room to boost our family’s immune system to prepare for if and when whatever
Read more →To get the flu vaccine or not? That is the question… Or at least, it’s a very common question in my office this time of year. I believe that the decision to get the flu vaccine for your child, just like any other vaccine, is YOUR CHOICE
Read more →Flu season is right around the corner, and we’re all bracing ourselves. There’s nothing worse than your child having fever, chills, aches, and pains – and not being able to do anything but give some Tylenol or Motrin and just wait it out. But – WAIT! If
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