[Updated March 24, 2020 to include the latest potential therapeutic options.] Flu hysteria has now transformed into coronavirus hysteria, and many of you have asked me how worried you should really be. News around COVID-19 has taken the world by storm and many of us are not
Read more →(Updated December 19, 2023) We’ve all been there. You can’t wait for vacation to begin! You’re getting on a plane to visit grandma and the kid’s new baby cousin. But it’s cold and flu season, and the passenger right behind you is sneezing and sniffling the whole ride
Read more →Flu season is right around the corner, and hopefully by now you’ve read my article on the Top Ways to Boost Your Child’s Immune System. But now you’re wondering, what if my kid actually gets the flu? Are there any natural options besides Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, Sudafed,
Read more →Whether it’s winter cold and flu season or summer stomach bug season – every parent wants to know the same thing… What can I do to boost my child’s immune system? There’s always room to boost our family’s immune system to prepare for if and when whatever
Read more →If you’ve ever suffered from headaches, you know how awful they can be. I, knock-on-wood, don’t often get headaches, but the ones I’ve had have been doozies and I have endless empathy for kids and adults who get them on a regular basis. And of course, when
Read more →SUMMER IS HERE! Many of our kids are already out of school. Mine are getting out this week – I can’t wait! And with summertime, often comes TRAVEL! Domestic, international, by planes, trains or automobiles. Wherever we go and however we get there, the summer often includes
Read more →“Mommy, my ear hurts!” As we head full swing into cold and flu season, this is a common refrain heard by many parents. In fact, earaches are the #1 reason for visits to the pediatrician’s office, and the most common reason that antibiotics are prescribed for kids.
Read more →Flu season is right around the corner, and we’re all bracing ourselves. There’s nothing worse than your child having fever, chills, aches, and pains – and not being able to do anything but give some Tylenol or Motrin and just wait it out. But – WAIT! If
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