Look at that shiner!

Look at the shiner on my poor girl! Little brother, hockey stick, horsin’ around – you get the picture. This is exactly when you wanna pull out your homeopathic medicines toolkit and get out that Arnica. Homeopathic arnica is THE go-to medicine for bumps, bruises, head bonks,

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Left vs. Right

An ambulance pulls up with siren blaring just outside my office window. I peek outside. An ambulance is stuck in the left lane, trying to get through. Ambulance driver, to the car in front of him: “Please pull to your right.” Car pulls further to the left.

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Krazy Kale Salad

It’s Friday fun cooking at Kenzi’s school. You never know what’s gonna be a hit or not with these krazy K/1 kids. Some days you get it right, and other days it’s a “please-take-a-no-thank-you-bite” kinda day. But today we hit it right! I decided to shift gears

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